Monday, May 16, 2011

Setting Goals.....

Unfortunately, my hiatus from the blog was a little longer than I expected.  I have realized in the past couple of weeks that I am a very goal driven individual.  When I set a tangible goal, I tend to keep a much stronger focus on that goal and consequently my success rate is much higher.  During my 21 days of focused food logging, I accomplished a great deal.  I lost 22 pounds, fell below 300 for the first time in years and came to some pretty amazing realizations.  Since then, I have found myself in a similar pattern of floundering around, making a bunch of excuses and holding pretty steady on the weight front.  The past cycle of set goal, work to reach goal, reach goal, become satisfied, turn satisfaction into laziness, turn laziness into excuses, use excuses to avoid further goal setting and accomplishments has been in full effect.  For the last 3 weeks, I have been sitting around, enjoying my success and convincing myself that everything has changed....and you know how the saying goes, "the more things change, the more they stay the same!"  Today I am finally making an effort to move beyond the "glory" of my previous triumph and push past this wall of excuses to begin what I am calling ROUND 3!  In ROUND 1, I came to grips with the reality that I needed to seriously do something with my life to try and prolong it as much as I possibly can...Presto, the blog was born.  In ROUND 2, I set a goal to fall below 300 pounds during a strenuous and detailed look at my eating habits...Mission Accomplished.  As I step back into the ring for ROUND 3, I will confront the endless excuses that I have continued to make throughout my life and fight back with a series of small, attainable goals that I hope will keep me going for a lot longer than in the past.  I have broken these goals into 4 categories and will share them with everyone here on this post.  Along with my goals, I have also established some rewards for myself to act as a bridge between milestones that will allow me the opportunity to celebrate my accomplishment, without derailing my determination to forge ahead.  As always, your prayers, support and love will be most helpful in this next ROUND.  I know at times I have been inconsistent, but I am still fighting and this is a fight I intend to win!

Daily: Keep Food Log, Workout (including a 1-2 mile run), Help around the House, Read with the Kids, Play with the Kids, Talk with my Wife, Read Bible, BLOG, Facebook a Friend.

Weekly: Workout 5 out of 7 days, Lose 2 - 4 pounds, Keep Food Log 6 out of 7 days, Blog 3-5 times, Call Family, Call Friends, Write a Letter, Mow Grass and do Yard Work, Contact Former Students.

Monthly: Write for a possible Book, Lose 15 - 20 pounds, Take my Wife on a Date, Take each of My Kids Out Individually at Least Once, Workout 20 out of 30 days, Blog 12 - 20 times, Read 1 - 2 Books, Have Friends over for Dinner.

Yearly: Get a Physical, Run (2) 5K races, Lose 100 - 110 pounds, Read 15 - 25 Books, Complete a Home Improvement Project, Travel with My Family, Visit Family, Complete a Draft of a Book.

* Download (1) iTunes track per (2) pounds lost 
* Take a fishing day or play a round of golf per (20) pounds lost
* Purchase a Calorie Management System when I reach (250) pounds
* Go to a choice sporting event (i.e. baseball, football, hockey, etc...) per (60) pounds lost 
* Go to the Biggest Loser Ranch for a week after (85) pounds lost
* Take a weekend trip with my Wife to NEW YORK after breaking (200) pounds
* Chaperon a School Trip to Europe once I reach my goal weight of (185) pounds

(A Glance at Future Posts)

The Hurt Locker
21 Days of Revelation: Part 1 (Physical Healing)
21 Days of Revelation: Part 2 (Financial Healing)
21 Days of Revelation: Part 3 (Emotional Healing)
Beyond the 21 Days: Forgiveness and Love


  1. This is the first time I have read your blog!! I am very impressed!! I wish you the best of luck and will pray for you! You and Brian should get in touch with each other, I can't wait to have him take a look at your blog!!

  2. Thank you Jaime...I would love to get in touch with you guys. Maybe we can set up dinner one night and that way not only can we catch up, but it can help meet one of my goals... :) Your prayers are much appreciated and just knowing that you and Brian are thinking and praying for me is both encouraging and comforting. I will send you some info via FB and see if we can work something out about getting the families together.
