Hello everyone.....I am finally back. I am sorry that my hiatus was longer than it should have been, but life does sometimes take over and the last few weeks have been filled with lots of closures and transitions. Another school year ended, my 12th to be exact and I said goodbye to yet another great group of seniors who blessed me considerably over their 4 years at school. I have also been swamped with driver's ed, spending some days from 7:30 am - 9:30 pm at school working in both classroom and driving settings. We also had a very busy start to June...my wife, mother and middle daughter celebrated birthdays, my wife and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary and my oldest daughter is just two weeks away from finishing kindergarten. BUSY, BUSY, BUSY, but such is my life.
Now, to the business at hand! Since my last challenge, "21 Days of Full Disclosure", I have done quite a good job of maintaining my weight without gaining an excessive amount in the past 2 1/2 months. On the other hand, I have not done a great job at losing anymore weight either. About a month ago, I established new goals for myself and I have been trying to meet those goals as much as possible, but the initial excitement surrounding those goals faded rather quickly and I have not been trying as wholeheartedly as I should be to meet the goals I established for myself. In a recent session with Dr. Wynns, we decided that I do the best when I am faced with a singular challenge that combines a specific goal, exciting ideas and some accountability. Following that session, Dr. Wynns gave me the assignment of establishing a new challenge for myself designed around the official SUMMER season. I have researched it and summer technically begins tomorrow, 6/21/11 and ends on 9/23/11. This time frame gives me approximately a three month challenge window to excel and achieve some of the goals I have had established for some time now. The assignment was to design a challenge that would focus on exercise, meal planning and accountability. I had to plan something that I could sustain for three months and that would utilize the blog as a way to keep others informed of my progress. I was racking my brain trying to come up with an idea when my amazing wife presented me with a great gift on our anniversary. I have wanted for some time now to get a weight/calorie management system that would keep track of my metabolic functions, such as calories burned, steps taken, sleep patterns, rates of activity and allow me to plug in my calories eaten during the day. The system helps you manage the various aspects of life that are essential for sustained weight loss. It also acts as a reminder that you can't be slack and hope to make a difference in your life. My wonderful wife made this desire a reality when she gave me a "BodyMedia FIT Armband" system.
This system is great and it gave me the vehicle to design my summer challenge. I have decided to do The "BodyMedia" Summer Challenge. The system comes with 3 months free website use of the support system. (You then sign up for a certain amount of subscription time. I chose the 12 month plan, because you save money with the longer plan activation.) So, during the 3 month summer season, I am going to track my food intake, exercise program, caloric deficit and sleep patterns in hopes of meeting the goal of reaching 250 pounds by 9/23/11. Each Monday, I will post a week in review, which will chronicle my total caloric deficit, exercise totals, sleep percentages, total step counts, activity levels, as well as, a general review of my week including interesting health ideas I come across. I would also like to create a discussion forum on the posts for anyone who would like to talk about a specific topic I post, or just share victories or concerns in your own lives. I am beginning to get a clearer picture for this blog and I want it to be more interactive. I really would like to get your opinions, suggestions and ideas on various topics that concern/excite me. By opening a dialogue, I feel we can all benefit from this challenge and assist each other along this journey. Thanks again for your patience with my lengthy absence and remember to look for the first "Week in Review" next Monday.