Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Well, I made it out of bed and to the gym this morning before heading off to work.  It felt good to get up and follow through with a plan of action and not allow myself to make excuses that would have allowed me to stay in the comfort of my bed.  Getting to the gym at 5:45 and working out actually was quite enjoyable.  I was able to get in a decent workout and get to my job on time while feeling much more awake and prepared for my day.  I am not sure what the future holds for the stability or frequency of this routine, but for today....I WIN!  Neither, Fear nor Apathy played a role in keeping me from my goal, and the success I felt as I was at the gym far exceeded the other feelings that I have allowed to hinder my progress.  Hopefully, today becomes the "norm" and the "old" routines will fade away....it all depends and me....I now understand and accept this personal ultimatum.

On an encouraging note....when I arrived at work, I went to weigh-in to get a base weight for the month of February and much to my surprise and delight...I lost 9 pounds in the month of January!  Current weight is 311...12 more pounds and it's HELLO 200's!  I CAN"T WAIT!


  1. So proud of you! Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Awesome news! Keep up the good work!
