Saturday, December 18, 2010


Most people would not consider getting up at 6 AM on a Saturday morning to workout an equitable comparison to climbing the world's highest peak, however, I am not "most people"!  After the alarm clock fiasco, I was determined to make it downstairs this morning and complete a workout.  At 6 I rolled out of bed, dressed, smacked myself a few times to be sure I was really awake and prepared for the, sure to be, tumultuous "first" workout in the "new era" of my life.  We selected Jillian MIchaels' "Metabolism Boost" from Exercise On Demand....imagine, a television station full of various workout programs at your fingertips!  The workout went "fairly" well, if watching a 300+ pound male flop around his living room trying to keep up with the "Queen of the Biggest Loser", is on any scale considered a success. At one point I swear I was hallucinating due to the lack of oxygen making to my brain...and I don't know if my metabolism felt the boost, but I swear Jillian looked at me and made the "cutthroat" gesture just before she forced me to do something called 180 jumps followed by mountain climbers...see the Everest analogy does fit!  After the "cool down" phase, which to an overweight person seems just as strenuous as the workout, I lay in the floor of the living room glad I had finished, but wondering if I was going to actually make it back upstairs to shower and get ready for the day. I eventually worked my way to the base of the stairs and once again Everest reared its ugly head.  As I stood at the bottom of the 14 step staircase, I felt as if I were at the base of the Hillary Step with the summit just a few hundred meters away.  Unfortunately, I was going to have to face this portion of my climb without supplemental oxygen and legs that were still on fire!  As each step seemed more and more challenging, I pushed to the summit and was rewarded with a hot shower and the satisfaction of knowing that I did achieve a goal I set for myself and ultimately felt great doing it.  Tomorrow morning.....I think I'll take on Mt. Fuji!


  1. You have written only three blogs but I am in awe. I already find myself praying for your success as though it were my own. Not to mention, you have a wonderful way with words!

  2. Thank you so much for the kind words of support and even more for the prayers. I truly appreciate and need them!
